A few nice sex with woman images I found:
New York Bar 8-08

Image by THE Holy Hand Grenade!
New York Bar, a hooker bar in the Zona Norte of Tijuana, BCN, Mexico; as seen on 8/24/08, late (6:02) in the afternoon. Taken by Nikon D40x with an 18-55mm Nikon non-VR kit lens. (at 32)
The women in this shot, with the possible exception of the gal behind the red car, are probably not hookers but may be otherwise employed in the sex industry... (hotel maid, bar maid...) The girl behind the left-hand car has a child with her...
New York Bar is on the western fringes of the Zona Norte, and may be closed by the time you read this, as the entire Zona is hurting, financially, because of the US recession; and the NYB was never in the best of locations to start with.
The armoured conning tower, teak deck and in-turned fore turret of HMVS CERBERUS in 1974. Photo Graeme Andrews.

Image by Kookaburra2011
4015. The Royal Australian Navy should have taken the lead, long ago, and initiated some steps to save HMVS CERBERUS. More latterly the RAN should have undertaken it as a project their Centenary year - a gesture and effort that would have been entirely admirable and appropriate.
It is a disgrace that the RAN has done nothing about this most historic naval relic..
But, unfortunately the RAN is in disgrace at the moment anyway. It is beset with multiple failures and scandals.
Just several of these were the Navy's inability to be able to put any of its major amphibious ships - HMAS TOBRUK [II], HMAS KANIMBLA [II] and HMAS MANOORA [II] to sea to assist Queensland in the wake of Cyclone Yasi and its flooding natural disasters. An inquiry is to follow. The security of the navy's bases has become a major issue, with police allegations of drugs and guns trafficking through Garden island, Fleet Base East, making front page news. Defence minister Stephen Smith reveals that the Collins Class submarines remain a major problem, and - as this is written - a scathing report of the sex scandals on the large underway replentishment ship, HMAS SUCCESS is just being released.
The RAN should have secured Federal Government support to do soething about HMVS CERBERUS in its Centenary Year, making it a lasting tribute to the Navy's history, and a gift to the nation.
We had 1989 photos of the HMVS CERBERUS relic [with attractive, scantily-clad women aboard] at pic NO. 1372, here.
This Photo: Graeme Andrews, RAN 1955-1968, RANR 1980. From a private disc, with permission

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